Funny Kaleisms:
Put my juice in the Refrigerade so it will get cold.
Dad-gum-it and What the heck? - very cute when coming out of the mouth of a 2 1/2 year old, but we'll have to teach him pretty soon that everything granny says doesn't have to be copied.
What's up with that? (hand motions included) - He says this randomly when we're playing Candyland and he doesn't draw the icecream.
Tonight, he told Keith that "We need to pray for mom, daddy, that she'll be all better." Oh, he knows how to melt my heart.
And lately, we've been hearing the wonderful words, "Mommy, I just pooped in the potty!" from Kale. As of Valentine's Day, he has been wearing big boy underwear during the day. He has had a couple of slip-ups today, but for the most part, he has done an amazing job and made the whole training process really easy for Keith and me.
Something else that Kale has been doing lately that cracks us up is working really hard to be able to hop on one foot around the trampoline. He's actually good at it, but seriously, what made him even come up with that goal? He's so proud of it, he is constantly wanting us to watch him perform his trick.
Kamden said something today that I have got to blog about so that I'll always remember it. I was telling him that we could pick up his friends Eli and Kasey for a Chuck E Cheese lunch to celebrate his birthday next month and he quickly interuppted me to say, "but mom, I have another friend, his name is Kade, and he's my best friend." He almost started tearing up thinking I was leaving this "friend" out. I said, "Kamden, are you talking about your brother?" and he said "Yes, I want him to be with me." He is such a loyal, sincere friend and brother.
As I have had extra time the past couple of days to just look thru pictures, I have been really taken by pictures of Kamden. He has the most sincere, precious face - I really am mesmerized by him.
Kade is really into learning sight words and doing phonics related activities right now. I love seeing him get excited every time he reads something. All of the boys are addicted to right now. If you have young children, you've got to check out this site if you haven't already. It's awesome and keeps them educationally entertained for long periods of time. His logic continues to impress Keith and I. Tonight, after Kamden got the flu causing us to cancel the boys' trip to E. and Papa's, Kade came out of his bedroom with this thought:
Kade: "Mom, just one thing...since I feel good and Kale feels good, what about if we go to E. and Papas and Kamden stays here with you and daddy?"
Me: "Kade, how would you feel if you were the one sick and had to stay here by yourself while your brothers got to go to E. and Papa's house?"
Kade: "Well, I would like it because I would get to special time alone with mom and dad and I just thought that Kamden would like to have special time with you and dad since he is sick."
I'm telling you, he can be so quick to make a good argument and make it sound so sweet and logical. I have been amazed by his ability to do this from a very young age.
Here's a fun video of the boys dancing one night while we were at dinner together. If anyone knows the singer/title of song that is playing in the background, please comment and let me know. I would love to purchase it to have for the boys at home.
Hope ya'll are feeling better soon! Wish we were closer and could help. I love the pictures of Kale jumping and the "dancing" video. We're thinking about you and keeping you in our prayers.
Love, Mom & Dad
Sorry, that was me above deleting my post w/ bad spelling...heehee.
That "little negotiator" comment from Kade is sooo something A. would say! It must have a little to do with the first-born thing. Incredible!
Good updates. I hope y'all are back on your feet soon.
i love starfall! is another great website.
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