Brynlee turned 9 mo. on April 2nd. She could not get any easier - I mean seriously, she smiles 95% of her day. And oh, how she can already flirt with her eyes. I so look forward to going into her room every morning to see her beautiful smile and hear her "talk" to me. The best thing is how she hugs me. She'll really squeeze my left arm and nuzzle up against me when I hug her. Here are a couple of more fun things she is doing now that she's a big 9 mo's:
waving bye-bye
pursing her lips together and blowing
eating pretty much any solid food I give her
crawling backwards
rolling everywhere
talking with her hands (no joke, just like I do!)
saying Gracie, patty-cake, Kade, mama and dada
she says the same thing when she's waving bye but I can't make out what it is yet
taking baths with her brothers
she loves to pat everything from the Bible (Pat the Bible) to books to my shoulder
she has pulled up a couple of times
pulling all bows out of her hair (to her mother's chagrin)
smiling and laughing a lot!
sings her abc's (hehe, just kidding - she won't start that until next month :)
I do think she's pretty bright - and I'm not biased at all! I would love to post pics with this posting, but my 'Upload Image' icon is not working right so I'll try again tomorrow.
Be persistent with the bows! Haley started pulling hers out at about 7 months and I just put them back on her head over and over and over. Of course, I only had two kids, not four! When she reached for her bow I would just move her hand and say no. She eventually stopped messing with them and now she even asks for one if I forget! Now that she is two she is asking for a certain color, usually purple no matter what she is wearing. I'm glad Brynlee is so happy! 9 months was a big turning point for us with Haley and it just got better from there!
I love the new pictures!!! Too cute!!!
Love, Mama E.
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