Keith and I trade off date nights every other week with the Ostendorf family. They have been such a God-send to us. We met them after Keith preached one Sunday at HCBC - Northwest. They came up and introduced themselves because they felt like God was leading them to come to the Round Rock North plant. They have two boys, Henry and Eli, who are very close in age to Kade and Kamden. If the boys have "best" friends at this age, it is definitely Henry and Eli. Keith and I have also gained a wonderful friendship with Bret and Tomi. I don't have pictures of Bret and Tomi, but here are a couple of pics of all the boys at our house this past week.
Aren't they just adorable? I can't even begin to imagine the trouble these four (five when Kale gets a little bigger) are going to get into as they get a little older. After a lot of prayer and talking, Keith and I decided to take Kade out of the Mother's Day Out program that he has been a part of since September. On his last day I took cupcakes and we had a little party to say bye to Mrs. Emily and his friends at school.
E. and Papa came to see us on Saturday. Here is a pic of them with Kade and Kamden.
It was so good to get to spend time with them. I know I say this a lot, but Keith and I really are so blessed to have the parents we do. We couldn't ask for better grandparents for our boys. Granny is coming up this next weekend, so I'll have a pic to post of her with the boys then.
We had a friend come over on Saturday who is an incredible photographer. We needed 6 mo. pics of Kale, 2 yr pics of Kamden and 3 yr. pics of Kade, so she came over and took some wonderful pics at our home and at the playground nearby. I plan on sending them to family and friends to view via Snapfish, but I just wanted to post a couple on the blog.
Have a blessed week!
These are too precious. I can't wait to see all the pictures that she took. You are such a blessing to me, even through your blog. I love reading it. Love you!
Why am I not suprised that baby is nekkid??? Kidding - you know you'd be sad if I didn't give you a hard time about that! Great pics - I love the black and white.
Precious pictures of Kale on the blanket! I may have to try that pose with Andrew and see if turns out so cute!!
Great Photographer! Hang on to her! The boys are growing up fast! Good to see all are well. Bundle up!
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