
Eventful Day

I took the boys to one of the neighborhood playgrounds this morning with a couple of friends. I don't even know if we had been there two minutes when Kamden fell about 4 feet onto a platform and busted his chin open. So, we got to spend almost two hours at the ER while they glued up his chin. We are just thankful that he didn't break any bones or lose any teeth because he fell pretty hard. And we're thankful that they were able to just use the Durabond and not have to use stitches because then they would have had to sedate him. I will post pics once Kamden wakes up from his nap. As soon as we got everyone back home, I had to leave to go to my 16 week pregnancy check-up. I've gained a pound since my last appt. and blood pressure looks really good. The best part of the appts is getting to hear the heartbeat. At 12 weeks, the baby's heartbeat was around 167 bpm and this time the heartrate was around 147 bpm. So, now I am leaning towards boy again. The 167 bpm threw me off and had me thinking girl, but I better stick to what I know. Either way, praise God for such a strong heartbeat!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor little guy! Glad he didn't break anything! Good thing he is not ours, Jeremiah would have super glued it himself:O
He glued my finger once when we were first married... I know I thought he was nuts too!! Do you go to Dr.Irvin? If so you are so blessed I hear great thing about her! I tried to get in there but had no luck:(

Dana said...

So sorry to hear about Kamden! I am so thankful along with your for baby Ferguson's great heartbeat. I am amazed everytime I am expecting at the detail God went to in creating each and every person! Praise Him. I love you and can't wait to see more pictures.

Caitie Moon said...

you're amazing, barie...absolutely amazing...
I'm not sure if I ever told you that you were, and still are, one of my primary role models :)

I have some things I want to talk to you about sometime...if you ever have time :)